Familiarize yourself with the rest of this website; I tend to reward players
who take the time to fit their character into the world, although it isn't
necessary to do so before start of play.
Initial characters MUST be either human or halfling, this restriction will
be lifted for subsequent characters depending on where the campaign is headed.
Initial characters may be mages, rogues, fighters or clerics; this restriction
too will be lifted for subsequent characters.
We will be using Family and Honor Rules drawn from the old Oriental Adventures (tm)
book by TSR (now Wizards) with some modifications made for the Parnurian Empire.
We will roll this up during our first session.
Think about the style of play you prefer; our first meeting will be as much
to discuss this as it is to create initial characters.
I will also post here, prior to our first meeting, a handbook of information
needed for character creation, including skills available, the rules for creating
a family and determining it's status, etc. Lots more to come!